First and foremost, is it important to remember that realtorrentz is a real time 3rd party torrent comparison search engine. All torrents are provided by 3rd parties and aggregated in a friendly and simple matter into realtorrentz's search engine. This means that any search results found on the site link to 3rd party download landing pages and are not within our control.
Please note that we do not host any illegal content on this site.
We are in correspondence with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA") and general international copyright laws.
However, we offer a service to remove torrents from our site if the copyright holder of the software requests so.
- Copyright Infringement Notification Requirements
- You must present an evidence that shows that you are the copyright holder or that you are acting on behalf of the copyright holder
- You provide the exact links to the torrents, no complete (sub)categories or search queries.
- You provide the complete name(s) of the content in question.
- You provide complete contact information (including the name and phone number of the contact person), not a general anti-piracy mail address.
- You must agree to and include the following statements:
- We have good faith & belief that the use of the described material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.
- The information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
- If your request complies with all of these rules, send a mail to [email protected] .
Please keep the correspondence polite. We remove postings as soon as we can, usually within 48 hours, do not ask for a reply it is sure that we have proceed the request. Keep in mind that mails not applying to the above rules will be ignored.